Sep 10Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.

When I was working as a hammerhand my boss used to scarf down these kind of lunches every day and often second lunch at smoko too. He was getting paid ten dollars an hour more than me so he would always want to knock off around 3 p.m. To be fair he was a machine who could do two men's work in three quarters of a day. I just basically tried to make myself useful and even though there was no way I could keep up, I tried not to embarrass myself too much. I got the one big arm one small arm like a fiddler crab thing so I would always make a muscle with my right bicep if I wanted to show off. In his spare time my boss would cycle 300 km for fun. Then later he became a vegan. I couldn't understand the ins and outs of that energy equation. He had used to eat two meat pies at a time and now it was only tamari almonds etc.? (I did know a plumber who only ate raw vegan food for a decade until one day he got too hungry and cracked and ate a mussel fritter.)

Anyway recently I saw my old boss for the first time in a decade or so and he looked exactly the same as before. My friend the Farmer says when he was working on a road gang in England in his mid-thirties he used to get through half a loaf of bread, a bunch of bananas, and a quart of skim milk per day, and still weighed 74kg. He was also spending his entire weekends dancing non-stop to hard house though. Don't know what the moral of the story is except that physical work requires a massive amount of fuel and you might as well live it up.


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I love that song!!

Yeah. Eating and sweating. Hammerhands together strong.

Did you know when you work with a bricklayer and as offisder - your called a "Mud buddy"

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Sep 10Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.

1979 till 1989, my glory years working in London, making money hand over fist and splurging the lot on alcohol, drugs and a good time…. I had, what we called then… champagne tastes and beer money, I was never going to be rich but by fuck I was going to be happy.

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Yeh good story. Everyone i worked with on sites with where in three camps, Cars ,crack or capitalism.

The Car crew collected there matchbox 70k cars as investment. The Crack crew wasted 70 percent of good wages on escapism and health problems, The capitalists had cheap lunches and therefore a house with one being rented out and negative gearing tax dodges while paying 50 cents in the dollar tax bills.

The Day of the Glorious 1990s Deli or workers bakery are over. With the Army of Soy oatmiilk non fat Latte keyboard monkeys nibbling on fair trade bannana cake.

Try expliaing this to Generation W(oke)

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As my Uncle Chris likes to say, there’s two kinds of people in the world

Those who eat to live

And those who live to eat.

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Sep 10Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.

Here for the descriptions of those lunches you madman… also - weren’t you guys tethered to something by a safety harness????

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The rules were - you can wear a saftey harness - but it will slow you down. But if you dont want to wear one - you are fired as you pass the gutter line as you fall off the roof.

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Seems fair

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In the picture I am actualy wearing a safety harness..

I never hooked it on though.

We lay ropes across the roof and when the OSHA spy helicopters flew over we would stand over the ropes. From above it would look like we were hooked on.

I never fell off one roof. Im too rad.

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Back in the day I used to paint roofs for cash, some good money to be had. The saying then was “you’re not a real painter until you’ve fell off a roof”, if that’s the case, I’m a real painter

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Sep 10Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.


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Sep 10Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.


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