You have one of the most fascinating histories. Thanks for sharing it with with and humor!

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Thank you so much :) Few people chat with each other like they used to because they have spent their whole life on screens with no real experiences so it just begets more screens and less real experiences!

I feel at least here we are telling each other stories :)

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Sad, but true. The stories these days are screen centric and not nearly so exciting and varied as what you’re offering.

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I can totally picture one of my friends telling this story at a bar, a little bit gakked, digressive but entertaining

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Wasn't allowed on school trips. Wasn't allowed to watch holocaust documentaries. Do the Math.

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Where do people who are credulous enough for New Agism actually come up with the money New Agism requires?

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This was the early 90s so I can only assume they were rich from the 80s who decided use their money for this trip!

I do know there were some rich divorced ladies and some inheritance peeps

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