Sep 6Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.

Amazing writing, can relate to the weird ozzie lifestyle and goofball moments to stave off the boredom of living on the biggest Island in the world.

Hey feel free to download my free ebook/pdf

Roadhouse messiah on my web page if your interested


Keep up the good work.


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Thanks man!

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Sep 7Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.

Omg I’m crying

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When I think Heavy Finn music, I’m thinking TEXAS FAGGOT

(I was at this festie and am somewhere in the deep black of this video)


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Ah... nice... well it was more like this.


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Sep 6Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.

"I saved up and fled New Zealand… so reckless and unqualified that it amounted to a denial of any kind of restraint and limitation." Lmao, this is the spirit!

Have you heard the idea that NZ is a petrie dish or testing ground for the "Hermetic artists" who apply the results to the rest of the globe? There is something terrifying about the psyche in that country that leads one to realise there is nothing one won't do to escape and go straight to ancestral tradition. I wonder if that is the end game. Metaphysic hierarchy. NZ has a way to go yet...

"Everyone I worked with was a battered twisted freak. I was in Australia."

Man. Seriously following your progress as a twin. Oz was a revelation, the only problem being those god damned Huntsmen. And redbacks in the gumboots and sandpit. And door frames. And random snake skins. Holy sh*%.

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Yes it was a shock... the tits and asses out at bondi... the women.. the were biggest shock... which I am writing about in the next few stories :) Get ready :)

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