Sep 13·edited Sep 13Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.

I used to short circuit the baristas by ordering in the wrong order. Not because they were baristas, I was a barista in Seattle in the early 90s. It's just how I order, and I bucked their programming by refusing to retain the correct order they relayed it back to me in. Your way was cheaper! <3

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Same ha

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Sep 13Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.

That's funny. I admire how inventive you were!

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Sep 13Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.

As literally starving students we beat Harbucks by going to highly overpriced cafés in High Street/Vulcan Lane and got free flat whites from an ex-flatmate barista who always over-roasted the beans, the dick. 100% wired all night doing homework, 2 or 3 hrs sleep then struggled through the mornings at tech. and did it all again the next afternoon. Harbux had a reputation which wasn't so bad back then but the very words 'pumpkin spice latte' made me feel sick to my stomach, and it still does. Was stoked to see the South Park episode destroying its reputation.

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Your in NZ!! Wow. I had a coffee on high Street in my third school trips story!

Did you read that one?

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Hard to get any coffee with 3am starts logging mate, French press, make me own at home and fill the thermos when I was down there.

Maybe get some instant at the mill down Kawerau or Lakeside Timber in Taupo.

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Sep 15Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.

This was amazing. Laughed the whole time.

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Sep 13Liked by Obsidian Blackbird.

My ex was both a fan of white chocolate mochas with whipped cream and black coffee made on the stove that a spoon could stand up in when it was done. I suppose he's his own worst enemy.

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Love this ode to black coffee! Can’t ever wrap my head around the flavored coffee thing, so fake.

My daughter of course, is a big fan of Starbie’s and when she went to college her town kicked the Starbucks out over their union busting practices and so I bought her a mini fridge to stock her favorite cold brews. Much cheaper! Still in the same semi-cool reusable cups 😝

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